Study the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
Fleas are perfectly designed by nature to feast on anything containing blood. Like a shark in the water, fleas are ideally equipped to do what they do, making them very difficult to defeat. The body of a flea is covered by a tough, tile-like plate called Sclerite,...
fleas have certain physical advantages in life
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Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions    For achieving inclusive growth there is a critical need to rethink the role of the State. The early debate among economist about the size of the Government can be misleading. The need of the hour is to have an enabling Government. India is too large and complex a nation for the State to be able to deliver all that is needed. Asking the Government to produce all the essential goods, create all the necessary jobs, and keep a curb on the prices of all goods is to lead to a large cumbersome bureaucracy and widespread corruption.    The aim must be to stay with the objective of…
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