Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions. Certain words/phrases have been printed in ITALIC and have been underlined to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Financial Inclusion (FI) is an emerging priority for banks that have nowhere else to go to achieve business growth. The viability of FI business is under question, because while banks and their delivery partners continue to make investments, they haven’t seen commensurate returns. In markets like India, most programmes are focussed on customer on boarding, an expensive process which people often find difficult to afford, involving issuance of smart cards to the customers. However, large scale customer scquisition hasn’t translated into large-scale business, with many...
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Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. Now India’s children have a right to receive at least eight years of education, the gnawing question is whether it will remain on paper or become a reality. One hardly needs a reminder that this right is different from the others enshrined in the Constitution, that the beneficiary-a six year old child cannot demand it, nor can she or he fight a legal battle when the right is denied or violated. In all cases, it is the adult society which must act on behalf of the child. In another peculiarity, where a child’s right to…
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