Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions. Certain words/phrases have been printed in ITALIC and have been underlined to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Jagir Singh has sold red onions at a market in South Delhi every day for the past half-century. Perched on an upturned crate, wrapped tight against chill air, he offers pyaz, a staple for much Indian cooking, for 60 rupees a kilo, the most he can remember. Business is brisk but most customers pick up only a small handful of onions. That is just as well wholesale supplies are tight, he says, and the quality is poor.                   As India’s economy grows by some 9% a year, food prices are soaring. In late December the commerce ministry judged that food inflation had reached 18.3%, with pricey vegetables mostly to blame. Officials have made some attempts to temper the rise in the past month scrapping import taxes for onions, banning their export and ordering low-priced sales at government-run shops. But there is no quick fix.                  Heavy rain in the west of India brought a...
Help from other countries to counter food inflation has proved to be quite encouraging.
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Arrange the sentences A, B, C and D from a logical sequence between sentences 1 and 6. (1) Commercial energy consumption shows an increasing trend and poses the major challenge for the future. (A) The demand, for petroleum, during 1996–97 and 2006–07 is anticipated to be 81 million tonnes and 125 million tonnes respectively. (B)…
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