
A father had 3 sons and they were born at an interval of 3 years. The total age of three sons is 27 years. What is the...


Let the age of the youngest son be = AThe age of the 2nd son is =  A + 3The age of the eldest son = (A + 3) + 3 =...

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ISRO Placement question

The USP of car loan is 


In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. For each number, choose the word which fits the blank appropriately from the suggestions provided. Find out the appropriate word in each case. Once there was a lake which was (1) to many golden swans. Every six months, the swans would  leave a golden feather as a (2) for using the lake. The soldiers of the kingdom in which the lake was, would collect the feathers and deposit them in the royal treasury. One day, a homeless bird saw the lake. “The water in this lake (3) so cool and soothing. I will (4) my nest here,” thought the bird. As soon as the bird settled down near the lake, the golden swan noticed her. They shouted, “This lake belongs to us! We pay a golden feather to the king for using it. You…


Among A, B, C, D and E each having different weights, D is heavier than only A and C is lighter than B and E. Who among them is heaviest ?


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