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Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions. Certain words/phrases have been printed in ITALIC and have been underlined to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. Jagir Singh has sold red onions at a market in South Delhi every day for the past half-century. Perched on an upturned crate, wrapped tight against chill air, he offers pyaz, a staple for much Indian cooking, for 60 rupees a kilo, the most he can remember. Business is brisk but most customers pick up only a small handful of onions. That is just as well wholesale supplies are tight, he says, and the quality is poor.                   As India’s economy grows by some 9% a year, food prices are soaring. In late December the commerce ministry judged that food inflation had reached 18.3%, with pricey vegetables mostly to blame. Officials have made some attempts to temper the rise in the past month scrapping import taxes for onions, banning their export and ordering low-priced sales at government-run shops. But there is no quick fix.                  Heavy rain in the west of India brought a…
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