
One evening before sunset Rekha and Hema were talking to each other face to face. If Hema’s shadow was exactly to...


In the evening sun sets in West. Hence then any shadow falls in the East. Since Hema’s shadow was to the right...

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Study the passage carefully and answer the following questions. Stop reading this passage for a few seconds and look around the room you’re in. Without any perceived effort at all on your part, your brain will register everything within the scope of your vision. But where does all that information- known as sensory memory- go? Well, pretty quickly, it vanishes.     So, what if you want to hold on to these fleeting memories for longer? The answer is obvious: you need to pay conscious attention to the sensory input…


The following question has one or more blank spaces. Choose from the given options, the one which would best fill the blanks. He…


If a lemon and an apple together cost Rs.12, a tomato and a lemon cost Rs.4 and an apple cost Rs.8 more than a tomato or a lemon then which…


Simple equations are mathematical expressions that involve one or more variables and follow the basic algebraic form. In these equations, the goal is to find the values of the variables that satisfy the given conditions. Simple equations typically consist of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations, making them fundamental to understanding algebraic concepts.

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