Study the information carefully and answer the following questions
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight employees of an organization working in three departments viz. Personnel, Administration and Marketing with not more than three of them in any department. Each of them has a different choice of sports from football, cicket, volleyball, badminton, lawn tennis, basketball, hockey and table tennis not necessarily in the same order.
        D works in Administration and...
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If a lemon and an apple together cost Rs.12, a tomato and a lemon cost Rs.4 and an apple cost Rs.8 more than a tomato or a lemon then which…
Simple equations are mathematical expressions that involve one or more variables and follow the basic algebraic form. In these equations, the goal is to find the values of the variables that satisfy the given conditions. Simple equations typically consist of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations, making them fundamental to understanding algebraic concepts.
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