
What is the angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock at 3 hours 20 minutes ?


The angle made by hour hand in 3 hours = 90°.The angle made by hour hand in 20 minutes = 20 × (1/2)° = 10°Hence, the angle made by Hour hand in 3 hours...

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In one hour Hour hand covers 30°.In one minute Hour hand covers (1/2)°.In one minute Minute hand covers 6°.

When numbers are written in base b, we have 15 × 22 = 414, the value of b is ?


The following question has one or more blank spaces. Choose from the given options, the one which would best fill the blanks. A_______rate…


In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. For each number, choose the word which fits the blank appropriately from the suggestions provided. Find out the appropriate word in each case.           Around the world, forests are being (1) at a rate of about thirteen million hectares a year and deforestation accounts for an estimated 17% – 20% of all global emissions. In addition, forests and other terrestrial carbon sinks play a (2) role in preventing runaway climate change, soaking up a full 2.6 Gt of atmospheric carbon every year. The destruction of forests, therefore not only emits carbon a staggering 1.6 Gt a year, which severely (3)…


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