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In a certain shop, which stocks four types of caps, there are 1/3 as many as red caps as blue and 1/2 as many green caps as red caps. There…


In the following question, a part of a sentence is left blank. Choose from the given options, the one which would best fill the blank. The…


Arrange the sentences A, B, C, and D from a logical sequence between sentences 1 and 6. (1) India’s experience of industrialization is characteristic of the difficulties faced by a newly independent developing country. (A) In 1947, India was undoubtedly an under – developed country with one of the lowest per capita incomes in the world. (B) Indian industrialization was the result of a…


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In the following question, a part of a sentence is left blank. Choose from the given options, the one which would best fill the blank. The…


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